Wednesday, December 15, 2010


"Recuerdos" (size 8)
was the first painting of the Murtra Monastery period, it is called "Recuerdos" (Memories), it was impressive, it came out of the canvans by itself. Amazing.

The painting depicts the feelings of many immigrants that cross the Gibraltar Straits from Africa in small boats called "pateras," they cross illegaly the sea by night, and risk their lives in many ways. Some of them die other are caught by police patrols.. the once who survive have to face a total new life full of challenges...
You can see him remembering his experiences in the background "patera"...

New period in Barcelona

Hi, Here I am, in Barcelona for a few months...

I am painting in a XV Centry old Monastery called San Jeroni de la Murtra, in Badalona, justa a couple of miles away from Barcelona city.

The weather is cold, wither time, but sunny. I am enjoying the feeling of the old monks they were living there for centuries.

I Have been praying and also painting in a special place the Monastery has for it. I am goin to show you some of the paintings.

Hope you enjoy them

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Exhibition at the Mexican Office in Taipei

Hi, I am prepary an exhibition at the Mexican Office in Taipei. On the invitation it says...
La Oficina de Enlace de México en Taiwán
Tiene el agrado de invitarle a la inauguración de la exposición de pintura:
“Seres vivos” del pintor Ramón Santacana

El día 10 de Junio a las 17:00
Lugar: Suite 1502, 15F., No. 333, Keelung Rd., Sec. 1, Xinyi District, Taipei City.
La exposición estará abierta de lunes a viernes de 11am – 5pm hasta el 2 de julio.

Matador / 鬥牛士

Tras dura batalla, logró el éxito tan esperado.
Sin embargo, ¿adónde se dirije su mirada?


After the bloody battle conquered the long awaited success.
However, where is he looking at?

80x64.5cm (2010)

¿Y ahora qué? / 現在呢? / What Now?

Se merecería ya parar y contemplar lo que ha sido su vida,
pero "la vida" le sigue exigiendo más cambios.

She would deserve yet to rest, think about her whole life. But "life" ever goes on, ever demanding. What changes await?

73x60cm (2008)

Cuatro años / 我4歲 / I am Four

Inmersa en su entorno familiar que le da seguridad y referencia,
y sin embargo ya posee su mundo propio desde el que nos observa.


Although being inmersed in the safety of her family,
she has her own world, her own way to stare at us.

65x91cm (2010)

Anhelo / 戀愛良機 / Chances

¿Qué ocurrirá si...?


What will happen if...?

61x72cm (2010)

Mañana / 明天 / Tomorrow

Esperando ese mañana sin fecha.

Waiting for this "undated" tomorrow

65x50cm (2008)

Atardecer en Madrid / 馬德里的日落/ Sunset in Madrid

Madrid, ciudad mesetaria, goza de límpidos atardeceres que perecen incendiandose.

Madrid, a city on a plateau, where one can enjoy the flamming sunsets that engulfs the city.

60x50cm (2006)

La mamá / 慈母 / The Mother

Esas mamás ¿Donde están?

Thoses moms ¿Where are there now?

60x50cm (2010)

La bebida / 望情水 / The Drink

Pasión que se inflama en un vaso.

Passion ignites in a glass.

53x41cm (2007)

Menina (2010)

Sin ostentar joyas, peinados ni lujos "Menina" guarda ese aire Velazquiano...

Although no fancy hairstyle nor ornaments, the "Little Princess" still holds that Velazquian air…

Inocencia y curiosidad / Innocence and Curiosity (2007)

La inocencia nos mira
Innocence is looking to us.

Mi tienda / My Tent (2010)

Esta es mi tienda, donde puedo resguardame del desierto ¿Vas a entrar?

This is my tent. It helps me protect from the desert. Would you come in?

La visita / The Visit (2007)

¿Qué nos querrá decir?

What he does mean to say us?

Mañana fría / Cold Morning (2008)

Esa mirada penetrante que carga el peso de tantas frías mañanas.

That pervasive glance that carries on so many cold mornings.

Guerrero de noche / Night Guerrilla (2007)

La noche en Barcelona se puebla de seres ávidos, ansiosos.
¿Dónde está su presa?

Barcelona's nightlife is crowded with eager and anxious beeings. Where is his prey?

Frangancia nocturna / Evening Fragrance (2010)

Vestida para la fiesta, ¿Es una boda? Y sin embargo ese esperado momento feliz se transforma en amarga luminosidad

Dressed for a celebration. It is a wedding? Nevertheless that awaited happy moment is transformed into bitter lights.

El superviviente / War Survivor (2007)

Pupilas que han visto tanto interpelan inquietantes en lo profundo de nuestro ser.
Disturbing eye pupils call out the depths of our being.

Reconciliación / Reconciliation (2007)

Es reconfortante encotrar al final un corazón
que nos brinda la posibilidad de una nueva reconciliación.

Is comforting at the end to find a heart
that gives us the possibility of a new reconciliation.

Héroe / Hero (2007)

Mirando con optimismo la luz, el nuevo día।
Optimistic looking a new day's light।

Monday, March 22, 2010


Hi. Today is a new beginning

there is my picture

a few years ago...

arms folded

I've DE cided to unfold my arms
and start doing something
pick up a paintbrush
and splatter some color around