Monday, January 11, 2021

 Ramon Santacana Painting Exhibition 

Man and Nature


Place: Culture Bureau of Nantou, 135, Chien Kuo Rd., Nantou City

Time: Saturday January 16th 2021 at 14:00

Exhibition time: from January 16th to January 27th 9 to 5pm. (except Mondays)

This exhibition, Man and Nature, presents the look of the artist towards the natural environment and the people who live there. The world that surrounds us and the man who tries to change the world. What will the world be like? It will depend on what we do now. We cannot change the past, but we can change the values ​​that guide our behavior in the present.

 The exhibition consists of four parts: 1) nature, 2) the city, 3) man and 4) the beauty represented by the flower. The process is that man transforms the original nature (1) and turns it into a city (2), in it he lives, feels and looks at himself (3), and in it he tries to create beauty by bringing back the most beautiful of nature which are the flowers and plants (4).

 Welcome everyone to contemplate this look that is captured through these oil paintings on canvas, which wisely combine the technique of the brush with that of the spatula. The author's native Mediterranean is reflected in its strongly contrasted colors and its vibrant application on canvas. His style can be described as figurative expressionism. The man and his environment is above all an invitation to contemplate the soul of man and the essence of things.